A Travellerspoint blog

50 days and counting...

overcast 9 °C

Today is officially 50 days until liftoff! And I also found out that I won't be travelling with anybody, so it's officially a solo trip! Which is exciting, but also really intimidating. The closer July comes, the more nervous I'm getting! I can't believe that in 7 weeks today I'll be all geared up and taking the ferry over to Vancouver to start my big adventure. I'm off to Kelowna next Wednesday to do a little pre-trip shopping, then I'll head out to the island for 5 days to watch my brother's prom and see my friends and family. Then back to work for a month, back to the island for the little brother's grad, and then jetting off!

Posted by kmcveggie 10:37 Archived in Canada Tagged preparation

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