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I Can See Clearly Now, the Rain Has Gone!

sunny 26 °C

Yipee! No rain for two whole days, knock on wood!

Yesterday I met up with Chris at the Victoria Station in London, and we headed off to be tacky tourists together in Brighton, one of the cutest towns ever! We got in and since Chris had been there before (and was suffering a minor hangover from partying in Nottingham all weekend) he pointed us towards the pebble beach where we lazed around in the sun for over an hour, playing a rock game and hanging out. Was very relaxing but I fully should have brought my bathing suit to get max usage of the sun. Oh well, it looks like it's here to stay!

Then we walked into the town more and found some food, which included one of the best bean burgers I've ever had. We then walked out onto the Pier, which was full of vendors and arcade games and rides, which thankfully the lines were too long otherwise I would have made a fool of myself screaming my head off in front of Chris! So we walked back down the pier to go to the beach, and just as I was saying "It feels like I'm gonna get..." a bid pooped on me. Right on my hand, thankfully not on my head, and I screamed and therefore probably drew more attention to myself lol, but I was just about to say 'shit on'!! How crazy is that?! I called it the law of attraction... anyways we cleaned my hand off and made for the beach, where no less than an hour later, I got pooped on AGAIN this time on the leg. NICE. This one wasn't quite as messy though, so that was good, but I like to think I'm an extremely lucky person. Chris was saying he has no worries about getting shat on because I was right next to him! Haha, veeeery funny. After a very long argument about burrowing sea creatures (which I won), we headed up towards town and got drinks while waiting to catch our seperate trains back. In this time, I found out that Chris has never heard of the Amish, or Oprah ("What's an Oprah? Like, do you mean opera singing? Oh, isn't that some American talk show or something?! OH MY GOD), and we had some good laughs telling old stories and misunderstanding each other. I actually started crying when he thought I said that our male waiter was plucking his eyebrows right in the middle of the restaurant. Don't ask how we got there with that one, but it was the funniest thing ever. I had two very large pints of Lager Shandy's (sp?) so that may have made it a bit funnier than normal.

We then got some dinner and made our way back to the train station, where my train was either going in 4 minutes or in 1 hour and 4 minutes, so we said a quick goodbye and me and 5 other guys had to literally sprint to catch the train. Because it was only 15 seconds till the train went off you couldn't open the doors with the buttons, so we sprinted off towards the conductor trying all the doors but none of them worked. Very much like the scene in Titanic where the guys have to crawl under the doors closing to escape being trapped in the steam rooms of the boat where they were working. Seriously, that's all that was running through my head as I was running. But I made it on and got home just after 10. Now I'm off to Edinburgh to see the tattoo tonight! Eeek I can't wait :)

Thanks to Duncan for all his hospitalities, it made my time in London much less stressed than I would have been in a hostel, and gave me a chance to catch up with a Parksvillian, and sleep in a real bed, and not have to worry about locking my stuff up, and everything else that goes along with hostelling. It definitely felt like a vacation away from backpacking, so thanks a million for that Duncan!

Posted by kmcveggie 01:00 Archived in England Tagged tourist_sites

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you being pooped on twice has definately made its way to the top of my 'kelsey's GREATEST stories' list. yup it's now right up there with blushing after that baby smiled at you

by tawnya y.

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