A Travellerspoint blog


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Chocolate_.jpgToday in Brussels was a complete 360 change from yesterday; in other words, I had a great day! Meera and I went exploring Brussels, which is quite easy by foor. We saw many cathedrals and churches, the “peeing man” fountain/statue, we ate fries (I had mine with ketchup, new experiences all around!) had chocolate, and explored some more. We wandered around the most beautiful grand market square, and had a great day with decent weather.
After sightseeing pretty much the entire city, we went to Mini Europe, and family park with tons of Europe’s most famous landmarks, all at a 1:25 scale. It was amazing! I totally loved every second of it!
We then headed back to our hostel, where we found our new roommates to be a German mother and her 5 year old son. Awesome... we went and got a beer at the pub around the corner. The boy is seriously creepy, very sixth-sense-esque, and stares at you constantly. Meera couldn’t even go into the room alone haha. When we got back to the room around 11, the boy sat straight up in his bed and watched us grab our stuff, and shushed us. Uh, cool, 5-year old. Guess what? This is what happens when you stay in a hostel! Anyways, we’re off to bed now and going to Brugges in the morning.

Posted by kmcveggie 15:02 Archived in Belgium Tagged tourist_sites

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you had ketchup!!?? i knew you would someday be converted

by tawnya y.

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